Ralf Hildebrandt / Patrick Ben Koetter


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Erscheinungsdatum: 25.08.2008Seitenanzahl: 576Verlag: dpunkt.verlagAuflage: 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte AuflageEinband: Festeinband ISBN Print: 978-3-89864-518-8 Artikelnummer: 2860

"Too many technology books take either a highly technical approach or a no-frills, step-by-step approach, but The Book of Postfix bridges the gap between the two." (IT Observer, Jan. 18, 2005)
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How good is it? Very… definitely recommended to any Postfix administrator.” (Cricalix.com, March 27, 2005)
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“I knew from previous comments, that it would be good. I wasn't prepared for just how good it is. There's stuff in here for everyone.” (Neohapsis, March 30, 2005)
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"What makes the book also very appealing is the simple fact that it is VERY compact, considering the many tips and tricks which would take you normally years to get to that experienced level." (LinuxQuestions.org, April 5, 2005)
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"[The Book of Postfix is] quite thorough and easy to read." (Computerworld (Australia), May 25, 2005)
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"A good alternative to the sometimes opaque guides you can find online. Perhaps the best compliment we can pay this book is to advise that if you are setting up a Postfix server, the book will save you time and help you configure a secure and fast mailserver." (Netsurfer Digest, May 31, 2005)
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“An essential reference for anyone determined to build or maintain a reliable and secure mailserver with this well-known software application.” (Midwest Book Review, June 2005)
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“A wonderful introduction… It is a book on the beginner/intermediate level that doesn’t assume you’re a dummy. It’s readable (it’s extremely readable, for a technical book) but isn’t cutesy.” (Linux Librarian, June 11, 2005)
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“I find it hard to say anything bad about the book, because it does cover a lot of material to a very high standard, whilst also remaining very readable.” (Debian Administration, June 27, 200
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“The book is truly well-written, starting from the ground up, yet it doesn’t talk to you as though you were just hit in the head with a hammer. Additionally, it’s got a great beginning section that does an excellent job explaining the general mechanics of how e-mail works.” (InfoWorld, Summer Reading List for the Geek Crowd, July 14, 2005)
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“Provided just the right amount of introductory material… loaded with information and examples that will help you quickly and easily implement a Postfix mail system.” (Linux Magazine, August 2005)
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"[This book] a spectacular resource for all manner of Postfix administrators. Whether it's for your job, your business, or your hobby, managing Postfix-based email server is best done with the aid of this book."
(Linux.com, August 10, 2005)
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Stimmen zur amerikanischen Originalausgabe:

"I highly recommend The Book of Postfix to anyone using Postfix and wanting to do more than the basics with it."
(Slashdot.org, Juni 2005)
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"Fazit: Unbedingt zu empfehlen." (Linux-Magazin 04/06)
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Stimmen zur ersten deutschen Auflage:

"Das Postfix-Buch überzeugt auf der ganzen Linie. Allein die enorme Anzahl an praktischen Beispielen machen das Werk zu einer uneingeschränkten Empfehlung für Postmaster." (Networkcomputing 02/06)

Ralf Hildebrandt / Patrick Ben Koetter

Ralf Hildebrandt und Patrick Koetter sind seit Längerem in der Postfix-Gemeinde bekannt. Ralf Hildebrandt arbeitet im Auftrag der T-Systems als technischer Manager für das Klinikum Charité in Berlin, Patrick Koetter betreibt state of mind, eine Agentur für Unternehmenskommunikation mit Sitz in München. Beide sprechen regelmäßig auf Konferenzen über Postfix, Spam- und Virenschutz sowie Mailserver im Allgemeinen. Sie sind aktive Teilnehmer und Ratgeber auf mehreren Mailinglisten und führen Postfix-Schulungen durch.

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