Ace the iSAQB CPSA-F exam!
- Prepare for the iSAQB Certified Professional for Software Architecture—Foundation Level (CPSA-F) exam
- Learn to design scalable system software architectures
- Walk through techniques for software architecture planning, documentation, and quality management
- 2nd edition, updated and revised
Preparing for your iSAQB CPSA—Foundation Level exam? Make the grade with this study guide! First, tackle essential topics and fundamentals, beginning with development approaches and design techniques for scalable software architectures. Then see how views, templates, and documents are used to communicate design decisions, and understand how to evaluate software architectures. Level up your exam prep with this handy resource! Highlights include
- iSAQB CPSA—Foundation Level exam
- Architecture design
- Development approaches
- Architectural patterns
- Templates
- Documentation
- Prototypes
- Quality management
- Deployment
- Modeling tools
- Static code analysis tools
- Code management
Mahbouba Gharbi / Arne Koschel / Andreas Rausch / Holger Tiemeyer
Mahbouba Gharbi is Managing Director and Chief Architect of ITech Progress GmbH and Chairwoman of the iSAQB for the last fifteen years. She's a dedicated software architecture enthusiast, the author of numerous technical articles, and a frequent speaker at international conferences.
Arne Koschel is Professor for Distributed (Information) Systems at the Applied University of Sciences and Arts, Hannover, Germany and a board member of the iSAQB. Aside, he also works as a trainer and consultant.
Andreas Rausch is Director of the Institute for Software and Systems Engineering at Technische Universität, Clausthal. He was and is active in industrial practice as a consultant and lead software architect for large distributed software systems and is Chairman Advisory Board of iSAQB.
Holger Tiemeyer is a former Vice Chairman of the iSAQB board. As a computer scientist who minored in psychology, he gives training courses on software architecture, as well as lectures at technical colleges, and is the author of technical articles, and a speaker at international conferences.